funny or die drunk history nikola tesla
Search results - john c reilly tesla.
Why Nikola Tesla was the most underrated genius of all time. | High.
Not familiar with "Drunk History? You probably won't get famous people to re- enact it like Funny or Die does, though. Womp womp. This video covers Nikola Tesla, and it wins the Hot Clip of the Day spot because of the pigeon love story.
Drunk History - Tosh.0 Blog | Home of the Web Redemption, Video.
Five Things - Tag Archive - nikola tesla.
Not familiar with "Drunk History? You probably won't get famous people to re- enact it like Funny or Die does, though. Womp womp. This video covers Nikola Tesla, and it wins the Hot Clip of the Day spot because of the pigeon love story.
(Funny Or Die) · Drunk History vol 6: "Tesla was the electric Jesus..I can't. Certainly funny the first time around - no need to see him puke on such a fine day .
funny or die drunk history nikola tesla (5477076) Drunk History vol 6: "Tesla was the electric.What stories are told at the drunk history site? - Askville -
science | kristin bytes.
Drunk History | Facebook.